



Baltic Communication Navigator for Agri-Enviro-Solutions

a place to connect people and share information through communication in the Baltic Sea Region

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Communication and a bottom-up approach can solve most challenges that occure in Agri-Environmental Projects – sharing the findings of Baltic Compass and Baltic Compact.

The EU-Projects Baltic Compass and Baltic Compact developed a communication concept for bottom-up project planning and for the improvement of farmer´s involvement in agri-environmental projects and policy.

Information on bottom-up organisation and communication was gathered at project, implementation and policy-making level via:

  • Case studies
  • Literature reviews
  • Interviews
  • Questionnaires conducted with Baltic Sea region farmers

The Baltic Communication Navigator for Agri-Enviro-Solutions provides a navigation tool that gives access to these findings in a structured way.

Currently only provides information of particular relevance to farmers. Although this may still be useful for other participants of agri-environmental projects there are plans to expand the website for other user-groups.