I have an agri-environmental problem I want to solve or I have already a solution for an agri-environmental problem that I want to put into praxis by applying a bottom-up approach
→ And what now?
Find a start: A preliminary first definition of the problem or the solution should be formulated.
If you haven’t already read the introductions to bottom-up and top-down project structures and communication problems we suggest you follow these links and do so now, this will give you a basic understanding on the driving forces behind communication problems.
Define the project aims; Making sure you are Understood
Project aims need to be clearly defined.
Your project may include stakeholders from different professions like farmers, farmer’s advisors, scientists, local politicians and policy makers.
If everyone understands your project aims then:
Think about what language to use.
Every profession has its own working language.
This means each of your project stakeholders:
It is no wonder everyone has trouble understanding each other.
Common example: farmers find information from different sources than scientists, and describe problems in different ways.
Different stakeholder groups also have different priorities, based on their jobs.
Common example: farmers need practical new technology, which is ready for implementation on the farm. But scientists produce theoretical new ideas and designs for technology with practical testing on a much smaller scale, under controlled conditions.
Different stakeholder groups also have different kinds of knowledge.
More information on: Language barriers, the challenges they pose, and real project examples.
Be aware of these language barriers, this is the first step to eliminating them.
Here are some ways to combat language barriers: